Prayed for One, Blessed with Two!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

3 Years ago Continued.....

3 years ago today on May 11th 2006 we had our second ultrasound. I was 7 weeks pregnant and so excited to see our little peanut and to also get to hear the heart beating for the first time! I will never forget that day as our lives would change forever! A great change though! So we got in the ultrasound room and waited for Dr. Plavidal to come in to do our ultrasound. He always comes in the room singing or whistling! He was always in a great mood even if he had the worst day! I was so excited for the ultrasound to start! As he started he found the sack the baby was in and it had gotten a little bigger in the two weeks and then he kind of pauses and I as I was looking at the screen I saw what the doctor was seeing and I just smiled and looked at Larry. The doctor delivered the news as there were two sacks there! So not only did we get to hear a heart beat we got to hear two!! It was just so exciting to hear and to finally after so many years of struggles and prayers know that we were being blessed with TWINS!!!!

Here is our ultrasound from that day! Now that we knew we were expecting twins, we had a lot to plan for and knew we needed double of everything! Also when expecting multiples my doctor wanted to monitor me a little closer and more often than a single pregnancy, so I was super excited since I knew we would be getting more ultrasounds than normal.

The first trimester was the toughest for me as I was so sick! I was growing in the belly, but I was actually losing weight due to not being able to eat. The morning sickness as they call it was all day sickness for me! After the first trimester was over I just felt so much better and really started to enjoy my pregnancy!

On July 5th 2006 at my 16 week appointment Dr. Plavidal asked us if we wanted to find out the sex of the babies and of course we did!!! So as he started the ultrasound he took all the measurements to make sure the babies were growing the way they should. He started with baby B first since it was up high and much easier to see. As we are watching the screen we start to see what looked like a little boy part to us and then the doctor confirmed and said he was 100% sure that it was a BOY! He moved to Baby A and took all the measurements that were needed and then he moved to try and see what the sex of this baby is. Unfortunately Baby A was breech and there was just no way that day we could tell what the sex was. So we left the office that day only knowing we were for sure having a boy and would have to wait to find out what else we were having! Now in my mind I just felt that I was having a Boy and a Girl.

Now here is I think the only picture that I had taken of me pregnant other than at my baby showers, but I wasn't really trying to show off the belly during the showers! I was only 18 weeks pregnant and I looked HUGE!!! I actually miss being pregnant!

On August 1st 2006 at 20 weeks pregnant we had another ultrasound and the doctor started doing his thing and as he was in the middle I asked him if it was possible to try again to see if we could tell the sex of Baby A. He said he would try if the baby was in a better position. So he looked and was pretty sure that it was a girl, but things could look that way and be different, but we were all pretty sure it was a girl that day! I was so excited to know that I was getting my boy and girl at once!! What could be any better?

On September 12th 2006 Larry had to work at his side job and I already had my doctor's appt. scheduled that day, so I asked my mom if she would meet me at the doctor's office so I didn't have to go by myself. I knew that we were not going to have an ultrasound that day, so I felt comfortable telling Larry that it was ok that he miss our appointment since he had to work at the last minute! As we were in the room Dr. Plavidal came in and talked for a minute and brought the Doppler machine in to just monitor the heart beats. They were very strong and sounded great! At this point I was 25 weeks along and I did bring up some pressure that I had been feeling, so he stepped out of the room so I could undress as he wanted to check to make sure nothing was going on! Well much to our surprise as he was checking my cervix he said really sweet and calm to me that I was already dilated 2cm and that I would be going to the hospital right then and would have to remain in the hospital the remainder of the pregnancy. I just remember breaking down and crying as I had felt so good and could not believe that this was happening! I tried to compose myself enough to call Larry and as soon as he got on the phone I broke down again and told him they were putting me in the hospital for the rest of the pregnancy. The first two days of my stay in Labor and Delivery was kind of a blur from the high dose of Magnesium the doctor ordered to try and stop what was going on. They wanted to make sure that I didn't go into early labor. On the 3rd day in the hospital I begged Dr. Plavidal to take me off of the Magnesium! He did lower my dose, but would not take me off!

My stay at Women's Hospital was actually not as bad as I was thinking it would be other than not being able to get out of bed, but I did enjoy having my breakfast, lunch and dinner delivered to me each day! I didn't think the food was that bad either for being hospital food! I just laid in bed trying to grow these two babies and keep them in as long as I could!

I spent 2 weeks on bedrest and on September 23rd 2006 I started having some strong contractions and being the weekend my doctor was not on call, so the on call doctor at the hospital ordered for a shot to try and stop the contractions and also a steroid shot for the babies lungs to help them mature a little quicker just in case they were to deliver early. By Sunday the contractions had not been as bad so things looked to be getting better! Boy was I in for a surprise! Later that evening and into Monday morning the contractions started up again. I felt ok and I had sent Larry home to check on our dog knowing that Dr. Plavidal would take care of things and know just what to do. Well sure enough Dr. Plavidal came in around 7am to see me after hearing about my weekend and he said he was going to go ahead and check things and see what was going on. As he was checking the cervix he looks at me and sweetly says to me that I was already dilated to a 7 and that we were going to the OR immediately and having these babies today. Things started going really fast from there. I was on the phone trying to call Larry to tell him to get back to the hospital and of all days he was not answering his phone. I was panicking since I was all alone. I called my mom as I knew she was close and that she would answer her phone! I told her to call Larry's parents and to try Larry again! I finally got Larry on the phone right before they were going to be taking me from my room. Again everything just went so fast and they took me to get a new IV line for the drugs and then got me in the bright OR and started the epidural. I have heard horror stories about epidurals and to be honest I never felt a thing! I had a very sweet nurse that held me up in the position I need to sit in and just remember her talking to me and rubbing my shoulders and then they said all done and helped me lay back down. All I could think, was I need Larry here and would ask if my husband was here yet. He did finally get there and was dressed in his scrubs to come in and then the most horrible news I had received that morning. They said the epidural was not working quick enough for them and Dr. Plavidal wanted to get the babies out. They told me that I would have to be put under to have my C-Section and I just remember being silent and in shock. At that time I was not aware that Larry could not come in to see the birth and then I wasn't going to get to see the birth and I was just very upset to have missed my first babies being born.

So on September 25th 2006 we welcomed into this world Kayla Nicole(Baby A) at 8:32am weighing 2lbs 3.6oz and Cooper Dean(Baby B) at 8:33am weighing 2lbs 4.6oz.

That was the day our NICU journey started and we spent a little over 4 long months going back and forth to the hospital to visit our babies!

I look back and as I am writing this and seeing the ultrasounds and pictures of the twins the day they were born, I know God took care of all of us during everything that happened!

Now today I have two beautiful healthy 2 1/2 year olds and could not be happier! That is all in the past and I can't wait to see what our future holds!

So there you have it, My pregnancy journey! I am glad that I could share my journey with everyone!

I wanted to thank everyone that has been apart of our lives and that has been praying for our babies since the day they were conceived! They are so special to us and we are so proud to be the parents to Kayla and Cooper! We can't imagine our lives today without them!

I hope everyone has a great week and sorry that this was such a long post! These are my memories and I want to have them put here so one day we can come back and read them with the kids to let them see what they mean to all of us!

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