Prayed for One, Blessed with Two!

Friday, March 20, 2009


I thought I would do a post on Turkey! Not only is it my favorite thing to eat at Thanksgiving, but I could eat Turkey every day, all year long! I LOVE TURKEY!!! Well, we got to see this huge beautiful Turkey at the livestock show. Now I would not eat this turkey since I have now seen it alive, but I still love to eat Turkey. This was actually a very pretty turkey and he started walking closer towards us so that we could see him better!
Kayla really liked to see the Turkey since that is what mommy calls the kiddos all the time when they are being silly! They are my little Turkeys! Kayla told me one day in the car "Mommy, me a Turkey" and if you have ever heard Kayla talk, she does not sound like a two year old. I would say more like a 16 year old teenager that talks back and throws fits! Just kidding, but she is a little turkey! Cooper tries to say Turkey, but we have to work on that with him, but it is still cute when he says it too. He copied what Kayla said that day in the car and said he was a turkey too! They are just so cute!!!!
Kayla had to stand up to see the turkey behind the fence and she just smiled and got excited to finally see a real turkey. Daddy picked Cooper up after I took the picture so that he could get a better view.

I really love both of my little Turkeys so much and I'm just so thankful for them! I am so glad that God gave me these two little Turkeys to love and raise until they are grow and can take care of themselves! Kayla likes to think that she is a big girl and can do things on her own, but she still needs mommy and daddy to help her, even though she doesn't like it all the time. Cooper is a little different in that area and he will usually ask for you to help him in doing things, so we just help and teach him that he is a big boy and that some things he can do without mommy and daddy's help.

Well, I guess that is it for my Turkey posting for now! I just thought it was cute to let the kids see a real turkey and was glad that they had one at the Livestock show!

Thank you to Nana Davis for letting us borrow your camera since mine was stolen from me! I have now purchased another camera, not by choice, but I need one to take pictures of my kids while they are growing and to also be able to share my kids with everyone that doesn't get to see them as much! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Somebody stole your camera??? That's awful! Still, I'm glad you were able to get such darling pictures of you two little "turkeys!" They're just precious!

    Love ya,
