Prayed for One, Blessed with Two!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Daddy's little helper and Daddy's Princess

Well, I thought with having Twins that I would have a momma's boy or girl, but Kayla and Cooper are big time daddy's kids! They have to have their daddy when he is home. Cooper I think is more attached to his daddy than Kayla right now. He wants his daddy to do everything for him and he gets upset if mommy does something and not his daddy. Kayla on the other hand is not like that and will still let mommy do things for her most of the time. They are just so cute and Cooper will come up and just grab onto your leg and give a big hug and then will kiss your leg and go right back to playing.

Here is Cooper helping daddy water the plants. He walked around the whole yard holding on to the water hose. It was so cute to watch and he was so proud to be daddy's little helper!

Here is Daddy and his little Princess!

Here are the kids playing games at Incredible Pizza with daddy!

The past few days the kids have not been feeling so well. They have been running low grade fevers and have runny noses and bad coughs. I'm not sure what is in the air, but it has hit them again. I don't like when my babies are not feeling well, but I sure do love the loving's that we get when they don't feel good. I just hope that they start feeling better really soon.

This week we will probably be taking the kids to the Livestock show at the rodeo if they are feeling better. I know last year at this time they weren't feeling good either and Cooper ended up getting sick on the way to the Livestock show, but we still got there and the kids have a great time seeing all the animals. This year will be so much fun since they are older and know what they are seeing now!

I will post on the Livestock show and Rodeo if we get to go later this week.

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