Prayed for One, Blessed with Two!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The kids and Santa Claus!!

We took the kids to meet Santa Claus last night and they were so excited about getting to meet him!! They wanted to tell santa what they wanted for Christmas and Kayla even gave him a BIG hug when it was their turn to see him. They did so great for the picture too. Last year they cried since they didn't know this stranger, but now they talk about him and they did wonderful!! We had to wait in the mall for 2 hours just to get the picture done, but it was so worth it to see the kids faces when they actually got close to him!!! Kayla was a little upset that she didn't get her Cinderella like she asked for, but she also doesn't understand the whole Santa Claus thing yet, so we had to explain that Santa will bring presents to our house on Christmas Eve for her to open on Christmas day!! Anyway I think it went well considering how long we had to wait with two 3 year olds! They did really good!!

We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas this year!!!! It is only 2 weeks away!!!

1 comment:

  1. What adorable pictures of your family, the twins and Santa too! We love you guys and hope you have a very, very Merry Christmas!!!
