Prayed for One, Blessed with Two!

Monday, November 2, 2009

First day of school!!

Today Kayla and Cooper started pre-school. They are going to a christian school that uses the "A Becka" curriculum. They will have bible time twice daily which I really like!!

I was most concern with how the kids would go in and how they would act when I left and surprisingly they both did great and didn't shed any tears, neither did mommy!! They walked in and said hi to their teacher Ms. Lori and both put their back packs down. Cooper went to sit at the table and a cute little blonde headed girl came up to him and said "do you want to play with me" and Cooper just said yes and stood up, but then he looked at me and came over and gave me a kiss and told me bye!! He was the one that I thought I would have a melt down with, but he did great! The little girl told him it was play time and they went to play with toys. Kayla just stood by me and after Cooper told me bye, she looks at me and says " don't leave mommy" with her little eyes. I just assured her it would be fun and ok for mommy to leave and told her to not cry because she said she wouldn't and that she would be a big girl!! She gave me a hug and kiss and went with Ms. Lori and I left. There were no tears which made me very happy!!

I know they will have a great time at this school and will enjoy getting to interact with all their new friends!! This is a big change for them as they have been either at the baby sitters house or at our house on mommy's day off, so now they will be in this school environment and will have activities and playground time and learning new things to help them develop and they will have structure which is what they need more of right now!!

I am so excited to go pick them up to hear about all they did today!!

As I am typing this, I just got a call from the school nurse and she told me that Kayla was playing on the play ground and got a bump on her head. She was not sure what she hit, but Kayla was not crying and they had some ice on it, so she just wanted to inform me of what happened. Kayla is my accident child, so I am sure that this will not be my only phone call from the school on her!!

Well that is it for now!! I will update to let everyone know how they are doing in school!!

Also, we want to say a big Happy Birthday to uncle Chris!!! He turned 24 today!!!! We love you Uncle Chris!! Hope you had a great day!!!!!

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